Useful Information
Wireless credentials
Guest User Name - fful
Password - fful01
Profile - guest-UL

Important Dates
Abstract Submission new date
June 18th, 2013
Early Bird Registration new date
July 19th, 2013

TAP - Oficial Carrier

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Abstract Submission

Participants are invited to submit their abstracts by 1st of June, 2013.

The meeting’s official language will be English

Abstracts should be submitted via the SPQ registration site. Please, log in using the login and the password provided during the registration process and then proceed with "abstract submission". Please use the Microsoft Word file | Abstract Template |.

The abstract must not exceed one A4 page. Decision between poster and oral communications will be made by the scientific committee upon evaluation of the submitted abstracts. The abstract file should be saved in the following way: name_surname.doc (or docx). Each participant can only submitted one abstract as presenting author.

The participants will be informed by e-mail message about the acceptance of their contribution and the type of their presentation by June 30, 2013.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts (only abstracts of registered participants will be included).

Please make sure your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes, as it will be reproduced as submitted.

For abstract submission click here